Application of Division B - Voluntary installations

OLD CODE (2012):

Highlighted text has been removed for 2024 

A-1.1.2. Limit of Application.

The provisions in this Code are intended to establish minimum acceptable standards for public health and public safety, fire protection, structural sufficiency, conservation, environmental integrity, barrier-free use and access. They are not intended to be applied to voluntary installations unless specified in the Code. For example, a firewall installed for insurance purposes need not comply with the requirements in Subsection 3.1.8. of Division B unless it is used as a means to create 2 buildings for the purposes of other Code requirements. Similarly, it is not intended that voluntary standpipe installations comply with the relevant requirements in Subsection 3.2.9. of Division B. Voluntary installations should not detrimentally affect features required by the Code.

NEW CODE (2024):

Highlighted text is new for 2024

A-1.3.3. Application of Division B.

The provisions in this Code are intended to establish minimum acceptable standards for public health and public safety, fire protection, structural sufficiency, conservation, environmental integrity, barrier-free use and access. It is intended that all installed features of a building, whether required or not, would be designed in conformance with good engineering practice and would meet the applicable requirements of the Code. Good design is necessary to ensure that the level of public safety established by the Building Code requirements would not be reduced by a voluntary installation. Voluntary installations should not detrimentally affect other applicable provisions required by the Code. There is a public expectation that installed features in a building would meet their intended function and conform to the Building Code.

BCAS Comment: 

This would appear to put more of a burden on building officials to ensure that where features are proposed in a building in excess of what is required by the OBC, that these features are actually installed as per the approved drawings and not as per the minimum code requirement. 

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